ArchiCAD 6.5  FAQ

last updated: 23rd March 2001.

ArchiCAD Technical Information about ArchiCAD and related software
By:  ArchiCAD Technical Support, Budapest

We often receive the same, or very similar problems from our partners.
In AC 6.5 FAQ you will find some short, useful information about the usage of
ArchiCAD 6.5, PlotMaker 2.2 , digitizers, plotters and their drivers.
Any changes will be published by referring to the concerning issue and point number. 

In this issue -besides usual matters- we are going to describe some undocumented features which are the most often required to be explained.


Macintosh platform - Macintosh-related question
Windows platform - Windows-related question
Macintosh platformWindows platform - Relates to both Macintosh and Windows platforms
L - Linux-related question


  1. How does ArchiCAD identify the font types on different platforms? Macintosh platformWindows platform
  2. Missing fonts used in ArchiCAD or PlotMaker files will be plotted jaggy Macintosh platformWindows platform
  3. File Conversion from ArchiCAD EDU files to FULL format Macintosh platformWindows platform
  4. The Hardware Protection Key is not responding if a device is connected to the same LTP Port Windows platform
  5. Pen weight in Options/Pens & Colors... cannot be set to a value smaller than 1 mm/1 pt. Macintosh platformWindows platform
  6. Spacing in Options/Fill Types... cannot be set to a value smaller than 1 mm/1 pt. Macintosh platformWindows platform
  7. Dashed line segment spacing in Options/Line Types... cannot be set to a value smaller than 1 mm/1 pt. Macintosh platformWindows platform
  8. Library Parts saved from the worksheet return error messages in 3D. Also, they look different, much rougher from what was saved. Macintosh platformWindows platform
  9. Pen weight interpretation in DXF/DWG I/0 Macintosh platformWindows platform
  10. No more than one Hardware Protection Key can be used in one machine. Macintosh platformWindows platform
  11. How to make a preview of the project file Windows platform
  12. Recent changes of Library Parts are not updated in the Project after Rebuild. Macintosh platformWindows platform
  13. How to influence the number of decimals in Zone Stamps? Macintosh platformWindows platform
  14. What to do when working in AutoCAD to ensure you save a DWG/DXF file ArchiCAD can read and generate its 3D information Macintosh platformWindows platform
  15. Changing the Decimal Symbol in the system and its effect in ArchiCAD Macintosh platformWindows platform
  16. Saving from PlotMaker as EPS file Macintosh platformWindows platform
  17. How to change the Scale of a HotLinked drawing Macintosh platformWindows platform
  18. Hidden Room Stamps Macintosh platformWindows platform
  19. MSVCRT40.dll and Windows 95 OSR2 Windows platform
  20. File Saving error when saved through the network to the Novell server from NT Workstation Windows platform
  21. If the "CameraMan Extension"!" v3.0 from Motion Works Group Ltd. is installed (you are able to switch it off in the Extension Manager) on a Power Mac the following problems appear in ArchiCAD/PlotMaker: Macintosh platform
  22. Year 2000 Compliancy Macintosh platformWindows platform
  23. How to update dimensionings (witness lines and dimensioning texts of dimensioning chains or zone polygons? Macintosh platformWindows platform
  24. Preview Icon of the ArchiCAD Library Parts does not appear in Windows Explorer in spite of having the Graphisoft Shell Extensions installed and do have the objects preview picture Macintosh platformWindows platform
  25. iMate tip Macintosh platform
  26. How to modify Automatic Zone Stamps Macintosh platform
  27. Level Dimensioning Macintosh platformWindows platform
  28. Plotting directly to the plotter Windows platform
  29. Macintosh File Names Macintosh platform
  30. Copy to ArchiSITE from ArchiCAD Macintosh platformWindows platform
  31. Convert ArchiCAD 6.5 TIFF textures into BMPs for Art.lantis Macintosh platformWindows platform
  32. Opening old files in Art.lantis 3.5 Macintosh platformWindows platform
  33. How to use Art.lantis 3.5 with Shader CDs 1-4 (edition: Abvent April 1996) Macintosh platformWindows platform
  34. How to use Art.lantis 3.5 with Shader CDs 1-4 (edition: Abvent April 1998) Windows platform
  35. Mysterious Crashes on Win 95 & Win 98 Macintosh platformWindows platform
  36. ArchiCAD & Linux L
  37. ArchiCAD fly-through path exported to Art.lantis 3.5 Macintosh platformWindows platform
  38. Problems reported on HP DesignJet 1055CM (also on 1050C if equipped with a PostScript Card) Macintosh platformWindows platform
  39. Thoughts about GSReport Windows platform
  40. Introducing an automatic reply system at GSHQ TechSup effective from April 17, 2000 Macintosh platform
  41. Saving DXF 2000 format with ArchiCAD 6.5 Macintosh platformWindows platform
  42. Communication with AutoCAD 2000 Macintosh platformWindows platform
  43. Appendix to the DWG-DXF Conversion Guide Macintosh platformWindows platform
  44. Rotated fills bug in DXF/DWG output Macintosh platformWindows platform
  45. Change of Color Tones in AutoCAD Macintosh platformWindows platform
  46. TechSupport mode of GSReport since ArchiCAD 6.5 R2/v2 Macintosh platformWindows platform
  47. USB Network License dongles Macintosh platformWindows platform
  48. ArchiCAD on slow/remote networks Macintosh platformWindows platform
  49. Xerox Plotter Driver for the new laser plotter models Macintosh platformWindows platform
  50. Printer driver incompatibility on MacOS 8.1 Macintosh platformWindows platform
  51. Keep ArchiCAD Project files in separate folders Macintosh platformWindows platform
  52. ArchiCAD's Save Process Macintosh platformWindows platform
  53. Converting shader libraries with Art.lantis 3.5 on Windows NT and 2000 Windows platform
  54. How to Apply textures in ArchiCAD to Wavefront files Macintosh platformWindows platform
  55. How does associative dimensioning work at Undo in ArchiCAD? Macintosh platformWindows platform
  56. TeamWork Copy from Negative Story Bug Macintosh platformWindows platform
  57. HP DesignJet 500 and 800 network plotting on the Macintosh Macintosh platform
  58. Changing the settings of only one element in a group Macintosh platformWindows platform
  59. Layer Settings and DWG/DXF export from PlotMaker Macintosh platformWindows platform
  60. How can I tell if a library object includes a macro? Macintosh platformWindows platform
  61. How do I create a mirror image of my PlotMaker layout? Macintosh platformWindows platform
  62. ArchiCAD Project files have lost information from the Section/Elevations Macintosh platformWindows platform
  63. I always get the following message whenever I start ArchiCAD: "A CODE resource has been modified"... Macintosh platformWindows platform
  64. I started PlotFlow but it didn't appear on the screen (only in the Taskbar) Windows platform
  65. I installed QuickTime 5 Public Preview 3 but ArchiCAD crashes if I want to create a QT VR movie Macintosh platformWindows platform

1. How does ArchiCAD identify the font types on different platforms? Macintosh platformWindows platform
ArchiCAD refers to fonts by name, i.e. when opening multiplatform formatted ArchiCAD Files on either a Mac or a Windows machine, if exactly the same fontname is available on both platforms that will be found and used by the program.

2. Missing fonts used in ArchiCAD or PlotMaker files will be plotted jaggy Macintosh platformWindows platform
Fonts not installed and referred by an ArchiCAD or PlotMaker file will be substituted with the application font (Geneva on Mac, Arial on Windows). Onscreen this can work fine since a smooth true type font appears (if it is available), but the bitmapped font will be output on paper in its default size in every case.

3. File Conversion from ArchiCAD EDU files to FULL format Macintosh platformWindows platform
The incompatibility between EDU and FULL ArchiCAD Project files (i.e. that the EDU version can open the project files saved by the FULL but not vice versa) was a marketing decision and the conversion process is not supported at all. Furthermore, PlotMaker will also change to EDU mode automatically when you import a drawing saved from an ArchiCAD EDU version. (Please see also the table about the file compatibility of School, UNIV and EDU versions.) 
But: Library Parts are version-neutral, i.e. they are compatible with both EDU and FULL versions, so there is no need to convert any libraries from EDU to FULL format. The same Library Parts can be used without any restrictions with both EDU and FULL versions at any time. 
Archive files cannot be transferred, but after extracting the library from an Archive file with the same type of program (EDU or FULL), the Library Parts can be used with the other version as well.

4. The Hardware Protection Key is not responding if a device is connected to the same LTP Port Windows platform
If any device is connected to the same LTP port as the hardware key (i.e. it is communicating through the hardware key)  protection and communication through it can conflict. If there is a second LTP port available, please use separate ports for the hardware key and the external device. In case of a single LTP it has a chance to slow down the speed of the port (can be done in BIOS by a hardware expert), but it does not help in every case.

5. Pen weight in Options/Pens & Colors... cannot be set to a value smaller than 1 mm/1 pt. Macintosh platformWindows platform
Set the value in the "Angle and Text Size Decimals in Dialog boxes" dropdown list in Options/Preferences/Drawing Units... dialog box to a higher integer value than zero.

6. Spacing in Options/Fill Types... cannot be set to a value smaller than 1 mm/1 pt. Macintosh platformWindows platform
Set the value in the "Angle and Text Size Decimals in Dialog boxes" dropdown list in Options/Preferences/Drawing Units... dialog box to a higher integer value than zero.

7. Dashed line segment spacing in Options/Line Types... cannot be set to a value smaller than 1 mm/1 pt. Macintosh platformWindows platform
Set the value in the "Angle and Text Size Decimals in Dialog boxes" dropdown list in Options/Preferences/Drawing Units... dialog box to a higher integer value than zero.

8. Library Parts saved from the worksheet return error messages in 3D. Also, they look different, much rougher from what was saved. Macintosh platformWindows platform
It is possible that curved walls or polygon segments cause the problem. Workaround: Define a relatively high resolution value, using the TOLER 0.01 statement at the beginning of the script causing such errors. This will exactly do the same as the program does internally with such curved surfaces. Explanation: The internal segmentation in 3D is set automatically for each curved surface according to it's radius, in order to decrease the distance (error) between the endpoint of the last segment and the definite endpoint of the arc. In some extreme cases - such as slightly bent surfaces, when the radius/arc length ratio is very high - the same problem can occur not only with objects (GDL), but also with real curved walls, or slab-, roof segments. As you save Library Parts from the worksheet this various segmentation (resolution) of the curved surfaces is not stored in the GDL script generated by the program. The current value of the resolution (36 by default) works for all those surfaces in a GDL script instead. This increases the distance error in many cases and will cause the problem.

9. Pen weight interpretation in DXF/DWG I/0 Macintosh platformWindows platform
Line weight is assigned to Pen attributes in ArchiCAD as opposed to AutoCAD where each element can have its own line thickness value. Output: All line weights in DXF/DWG files is set to zero if "Hairline" was set in the Display Options when the output was performed. The Pen weight value of the assigned Pen attribute will be set for each element as line thickness if "True Weight" was set. Input: Hairlines (with zero line thickness) will be interpreted as lines appearing with the appropriate pen color. Other polylines with a valid line weight will be converted to fills in ArchiCAD representing the true thickness of the original line.

10. No more than one Hardware Protection Key can be used in one machine. Macintosh platformWindows platform
If you have a multi-user dongle and you want to obtain more licences, here is what you need to do: let's say you have a 10-user dongle and you want to buy five more licences. In this case do not buy another dongle but ask for a 15-user dongle. In this case you can send in your old dongle and you will get your new one.

11. How to make a preview of the project file Windows platform
To make a Preview of the file you have to go to the Quickviews window and make a quickview you like before saving your project (PLN).

12. Recent changes of Library Parts are not updated in the Project after Rebuild. Macintosh platformWindows platform
To force the program to reinterpret the 2D scripts of Library Parts hold down the key while choosing Display/Rebuild.

13. How to influence the number of decimals in Zone Stamps? Macintosh platformWindows platform
Linear and area values are to be displayed in the Zone stamps according to the actual settings of the appropriate value in the Options/Preferences - Dimensioning Units dialog. When changing these settings, the Floor Plan has to be rebuilt by holding down the key.

14. What to do when working in AutoCAD to ensure you save a DWG/DXF file ArchiCAD can read and generate its 3D information Macintosh platformWindows platform
We tried a couple of things with ArchiCAD. If you create 3D Model in AutoCAD you need to create it from Surfaces or using the 3D Tool. You shouldn't use the Solids Tool because they will not come through. Before you save it from AutoCAD, type FILLMODE and give 1 to its value. Before saving make sure you are in Top view and save it as a DWG drawing. You can also save it as a DXF using the DXFOUT command. In ArchiCAD, use the Open Library Part command to open the DWG or DXF. If you open it on the Floor Plan as a drawing the 3D information will not be included in the project file.

15. Changing the Decimal Symbol in the system and its effect in ArchiCAD Macintosh platformWindows platform
When you want to change the sign of thousands in ArchiCAD from SPACE, dot (.) or comma (,) to one of the others, you need to do the following:
- On the Mac: Go to Control Panels/Number and enter the character into the 'Thousands' field.
- Under Windows: Start Menu/Settings/Control Panel. Here choose Regional Settings and go to the 'Number' tag. Here enter the character in the Digit Grouping Symbol field. After you OK or apply these new settings, you need to quit ArchiCAD and restart it. The new settings will not apply to number in dimensions already created. It will apply only to new ones.

16. Saving from PlotMaker as EPS file Macintosh platformWindows platform
The EPS format stands for Encapsulated PostScript. Encapsulated means that it is always part of a file or document and is not a document in itself. For this reason it cannot be directly opened for editing. The purpose the EPS format was created is the following: to provide a format which contains graphic information that can be placed to other applications along with other elements to get printed. If one tries to open an EPS file from PhotoShop or CorelDraw, the program tries to interpret it as an Adobe Illustrator 3.0 format (or later) file. But the Illustration 3.0 format EPS understands only some of the PostScript command used in the EPS format so in almost all cases it will give the error message that it can't open it because it is not compatible with that format. When one places an EPS file onto a page in QuarkExpress he can do it because Quark doesn't try to interpret it. It only determines how it will fit on the paper in size. This is why you see a grey rectangle and not the image itself. And the program will forward this file to the printer as it is when it comes to printing.

17. How to change the Scale of a HotLinked drawing Macintosh platformWindows platform
If you change only the scale of a drawing and save its Hotlink again, then the scale information in the file will not be overwritten so you won't be able to update this change from PlotMaker (not even with placing it again). You can do this only by using Save As... and replacing the file with the new one with the same name.

18. Hidden Room Stamps Macintosh platformWindows platform
Please work carefully with the walls if your room stamps are in a hidden layer because they always reflect to the wall corners which are often artificial (mostly if the wall reference line is not at the room perimeter but on the "outside" of the wall). In ArchiCAD 6.0 please also use the "Update Zones.." command from the Tools menu.

19. MSVCRT40.dll and Windows 95 OSR2 Windows platform
When installing ArchiCAD onto a PC (Please check first that you are logged in with administrator rights on that computer.) running operation system Windows 95 OSR2 a message appears that the 'msvcrt40.dll' could not be successfully installed. Please ignore the message and let the installation run to its end. The reason is that the msvcrt40.dll which is shipped with the OSR2 is newer than ours and we can not update it.

20. File Saving error when saved through the network to the Novell server from NT Workstation Windows platform
Upgrade the network installer from "microsoft client for netware" to "Novel intra-netware client for NT".

21. If the "CameraMan Extension"!" v3.0 from Motion Works Group Ltd. is installed (you are able to switch it off in the Extension Manager) on a Power Mac the following problems appear in ArchiCAD/PlotMaker: Macintosh platform
1. Drag and Stretch doesn't work with the Arrow Tool only if using the menu command or the keyboard shortcut.
2. At Polygon Editing the pop-up menu doesn't come up if you click onto a corner point of a polygon. That means you are allowed to do only the default function (Drag) of the pop-up menu.
3. In the QuickView window you are not able to drag the rectangle which shows the current view of the Floor Plan window.
4. If you click onto an element (TeamWork) which is not in your workspace or locked the yellow info card doesn't appear. (Can be very annoying)
5. You can not Quit of the About ArchiCAD window (Force Quit might help, but sometimes all you can do is only a Reset)
6. If you choose a larger image for background picture than the current image size in the Options menu, Photorendering Settings, Image Size & Background Dialog a Picture you can not move the gray rectangle that shows the current size of the rendering window (if it is different from the size of the background window.
7. In the Sun Dialog the compass doesn't move with the drag only jumps where you click.
8. You cannot delete a cutting plane in the Cutting Planes dialog by a double click.

22. Year 2000 Compliancy Macintosh platformWindows platform
Graphisoft can declare that ArchiCAD is Year 2000 Compliant if the OS used (Win or MacOS) is also Year 2000 Compliant.
Please check the folowing sites for further information:
- Year 2000 Issue - Frequently Asked Questions (
- Apple - Products - Mac OS (

23. How to update dimensionings (witness lines and dimensioning texts of dimensioning chains or zone polygons? Macintosh platformWindows platform
Our clients often complain about the dimensionings. Suddenly, they notice that on their floor plan some witness lines do not point to the point they want it to or a zone polygon seems to be not referring to the corner points of the room. This is because of a tricky feature in ArchiCAD (both, 5.0 and TeamWork) The reason can be the result of the following actions: the client deleted e.g. a wall or made its layer temporary hidden, made a copy/paste and rebuilt the model before showing the layer again - or saved. Please suggest your users to do the following steps before printing/plotting or saving a PlotMaker file in order to get correct dimensionings:
- draw a line, select it, copy it
- paste it
- use the Rebuild command from the Display menu (If you find the drawn lines unnecessary you can use the Undo command from the Edit menu to get rid of them, the dimensioning remains correct.) It doesn't matter what element you paste, important is, that something must be pasted to the current story and then the Rebuild has to be activated. You will find everything OK. There are improvements in ArchiCAD 6.0, so you do not need tricks there.

24. Preview Icon of the ArchiCAD Library Parts does not appear in Windows Explorer in spite of having the Graphisoft Shell Extensions installed and do have the objects preview picture Macintosh platformWindows platform
We have experienced sometimes this problem. You shoul do the following:
1. In the Control Panel/Display at the Plus! tab check the "Show icons using all possible colors" checkbox. (NT4.0)
2. Reboot
3. If this does not help please start (with double click) the register.bat batch file in the "Graphisoft Shell Extension" directory, then reboot.

25. iMate tip Macintosh platform
Occasionally, the iMate adapter does not function with Apple PowerBooks. If this is the case, download the most up-to-date driver from the following page:

26. How to modify Automatic Zone Stamps Macintosh platform
If you modify automatic zone stamps it is worthwhile to change their drawing-mode from automatic to manual; otherwise, the changes will be lost following the "update zones..." command.

27. Level Dimensioning Macintosh platformWindows platform
The Level Dimension tool is NOT available in the Section window, and it does not generate dimension chains. Actually, Elevation Dimensions were a separate tool until AC 6.0 and now they've become a Geometry Method of the Linear Dimension tool.

28. Plotting directly to the plotter Windows platform
In ArchiCAD 6.5 and PlotMaker 2.2, it is no longer possible in Plot Setup to directly choose a plotter. To regain this option, you must set in Regedit HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Graphisoft\PlotMaker\PlotMaker 2.2 INT\Plotter/Digitizer Direct Plotting Enable from 0 to 1. A better solution that enables faster plotting is to install a dummy printer driver onto the port the plotter is plugged into, and then in Plot Setup chose this printer driver in the Connection pop-up menu.

29. Macintosh File Names Macintosh platform
Our intention was to greatly improve ArchiCAD 6.5ąs multi-platform compatibility. To this end, our developers decided to force the usage of Windows-compatible file names. However, we donąt want to inconvenience our users who work exclusively on the Macintosh and want to continue to use the Macintosh naming convention for library parts. For them, we offer this solution: the old library parts can be used in ArchiCAD 6.5, but any changes to them ‹ if the old names have to be preserved ‹ can be made only in older versions of ArchiCAD. Previous versions of ArchiCAD.exe that function with the 6.5 protection key are made available on the ArchiCAD 6.5 installation CD in the "Support" folder. Previous versions of ArchiCAD for the Macintosh saved PMK files with a .pm extension. By default, ArchiCAD 6.5 saves three-digit extensions to file names (.pmk). Therefore, it is not possible to overwrite the old .pm files by default. Workaround: switch off the "save multi-platform" option in the Options/Preferences menu. ArchiCAD can then save two-digit extensions after the file names, and will recognize and be able to overwrite the old file names as well.

30. Copy to ArchiSITE from ArchiCAD Macintosh platformWindows platform
To copy lines, splines, circles, arcs and slabs from ArchiCAD 6.5 to ArchiSITE 5.6, please use the "Copy to 6.0" tool. Please make sure the "Copyto60" API Add-On file from the Support\Ac65 folder of the 6.5 Installation CD is copied into the Add-Ons\Tools folder within the ArchiCAD 6.5 Folder. As ArchiSITE 5.6 is expecting data in ArchiCAD 6.0 format on the Clipboard, you have to select the elements to be copied on the ArchiCAD 6.5 floor plan window and choose the "Copy to 6.0" menu item under Tools External Commands, instead of the usual Ctrl-C (Cmd-C).

31. Convert ArchiCAD 6.5 TIFF textures into BMPs for Art.lantis Macintosh platformWindows platform
Recently we discovered a problem with ArchiCAD 6.5 textures opening in Art.lantis. Now in ArchiCAD 6.5 if you save a multiplatform archive file (.PLA ) all textures in the project will be converted to .TIFF format. (.TIFF is the only extension format for pictures that is without compression and data loss, and can be opened on both PC and Mac platforms ). If you save the 3D model of an opened .PLA file in Art.lantis format , none of the used textures will be shown in Art.lantis. Workaround: Please convert the used TIFF textures into BMP format using Photoshop or PaintShop Pro, or similar program and exchange the TIFFs for BMPs in the Materials dialog (Option menu). Art.lantis can read ArchiCAD textures in .BMP format only.

32. Opening old files in Art.lantis 3.5 Macintosh platformWindows platform
If you want to open an old .OPT file (Art.lantis 3.02) , in which you had used your own shaders, in Art.lantis 3.5, you must first choose the Art.lantis 3.02`s Shader directory, where you have to put all your shaders into the same folder. If you choose in Art.lantis 3.5 in File/Preferences/Select Art.lantis 3.02`s shader folder, the following warning messages appears: "Your shader library does not match this version of Art.lantis. Do you want to convert the library now?" Click OK to start the conversion. Your shaders will be converted, and you will then see them in Art.lantis 3.5. Once the Shaders have been converted, you can no longer use them in Art.lantis 3.02, unless you re-install them.

33. How to use Art.lantis 3.5 with Shader CDs 1-4 (edition: Abvent April 1996) Macintosh platformWindows platform
Make a new folder, with the name "Sha", for example, in Art.lantis 3.5`s folder. Copy one shader to your new "Sha" folder from the existing "Shaders" library. Following this step, you can install your "Shaders for Art.lantis" CDs to this folder by choosing the first shader file of the Shader directory from the Art.lantis Shaders CD, then choosing the first shader file in your new "Sha" folder. You can install all the 4 CDs to the same folder. (Please note, there will be a mass of .prw .tga .ash files.) After that, you have to start Art.lantis 3.5 and in a File/Preferences menu choose the "Sha" folder.
The following warning message will appear: "Your shader library does not match this version of Art.lantis. Do you want to convert the library now?" Click OK to start the conversion. (You must update this shader library for Art.lantis 3.5) Art.lantis 3.5 will convert this "mass" of files to its own shader folder structure and you can use your shaders as normal. Once the Shaders (1-4) have been converted, you can no longer use them in Art.lantis 3.02, unless you install them again.

34. How to use Art.lantis 3.5 with Shader CDs 1-4 (edition: Abvent April 1998) Macintosh platformWindows platform
Make a new folder, with the name "Sha2", for example, in Art.lantis 3.5`s folder. Install all four "Shaders for Art.lantis" CDs to this folder. If you choose this Shaders library in Art.lantis 3.5, the program will convert them to the new shader structure. Once the Shaders (1-4) have been converted, you can no longer use them in Art.lantis 3.02, unless you install them again.

35. Mysterious Crashes on Win 95 & Win 98 Macintosh platformWindows platform

Mysterious ArchiCAD 6.5 crashes on Windows 95 and 98

After investigating reports about ArchiCAD 6.5's instability on Windows 95 and 98, we discovered that it is due to dropping system resources. ArchiCAD may even crash when the Find & Select dialog is opened. This problem does not occur on Windows NT, since its memory handling is different.

The problem is caused by two factors:
First, ArchiCAD is one of the richest programs in terms of user interface elements. Some of these elements use a lot of system resources. (The Microsoft Developer Network does not give any warning about using such elements. And certainly ArchiCAD is not the only program that is eating system resources. Many programs that are not as rich in user interface elements as ArchiCAD might even use more system resources.)

Second, the 16-bit luggage Windows 95 and 98 are carrying around has an influence on the crashes. Although they are basically 32-bit operating systems, compatibility with some 16-bit programs (mainly games) requires some user interface elements to be stored in two 64 kB heaps (GDI heap and User heap). This is particularly critical because all programs running concurrently use these heaps. User interface elements (mainly lists and pop-up controls) used in the ArchiCAD dialogs need the memory blocks of the User Heap. Since both the Find & Select and the Preferences Dialogs contain many pop-up controls, when they are opened, User heap resources drop significantly.

As measured, the Find & Select Dialog causes a 37% drop, and the Preferences Dialog a 25% drop. Which means that if you have several applications open and system resources are below 37%, opening the Find & Select Dialog can hang the system. And it sometimes does.

What can we do?

We made significant changes in the program code in order to minimize the User heap resource needs. As a result, the dialogs in R2 demand much less from this critical system resource. For example, ArchiCAD 6.5 R1 crashes after opening 5 or 6 Library Parts; in R2, you can keep more than 25 open at a time.

Unfortunately, the Windows pop-up controls required a lot of space from the User heap (200 bytes each). The most critical Find & Select dialog contains more than 60 pieces that need more than 12 Kbytes (24% of the User heap). So, we switched them to one of our own user controls that has the same functionality and does not use any User heap resources. You may notice that it slightly modified the look of the dialog.

We are convinced that thanks to these changes, ArchiCAD 6.5 R2 will be more stable on Windows 95 and 98.

What can you do?

We highly recommend that you install the Windows 95 Resource Meter according to the guidelines given on this page. The same applies for Windows 98 users. The Windows 98 Resource Meter is also located on the Windows 98 Installation CD.

Please install it and check it often when working in ArchiCAD. When running, the Resource Meter places a small icon in the system tray next to the clock. As GDI (Graphic Device Interface) and User resources drop, so do the green lines on the icon. When resources begin to drop dangerously low, the line turns yellow. If you see red, your situation is near critical.

To avoid situations where system resources can drop, you can do the following:

  • run only one copy of ArchiCAD at one time
  • when using ArchiCAD, only run additional programs that are essential
  • close the Find & Select dialog when it is not needed
  • edit only a few Library Parts at a time (close an element when it is not needed)
  • close Link Properties to Criteria and Edit Database dialog when they are not needed
  • monitor the Resource Meter and restart ArchiCAD or quit other programs if system resources are dangerously low (red lines in the Resource Meter icon) and there is no other way to improve the situation
  • upgrade to ArchiCAD 6.5 R2 as soon as it comes out

If possible, shift to Windows NT where memory handling is superior in this regard, and also considerably more advanced and stable.

36. ArchiCAD & Linux L
We are often asked if Graphisoft plans to make a Linux version of ArchiCAD. We have no plans to do so in the near future. Linux is gaining popularity and support, but is at the moment widely used only in the server market. But we will keep an eye on the fast-growing Linux world, and presume that it will become such an important factor in the PC market that ArchiCAD can take advantage of its great technical opportunities.

37. ArchiCAD fly-through path exported to Art.lantis 3.5 Macintosh platformWindows platform
  1. Art.lantis 3.5.apx Add-On for ArchiCAD 6.5 has a new feature. When you save your file to Art.lantis 3.5 from ArchiCAD 6.5, in the Image menu / Create Fly-Through dialog, choose Art.lantis 3.5 file in the Result pop-up menu. After the Save, all the Fly-Throughs will be present in Art.lantis 3.5, with all cameras in the same position they held in ArchiCAD.
  2. 2. Art.lantis 3.5.apx Add-On for ArchiCAD 6.0 has a similar feature. You can save your file from the Fly-Through dialog box as an Art.lantis 3.5 file. The small difference is that in Art.lantis 3.5 you will see as many cameras as frames were set in ArchiCAD 6.0 to create a Fly-Through. In every frame-create position, a camera will be placed in Art.lantis 3.5.

38. Problems reported on HP DesignJet 1055CM (also on 1050C if equipped with a PostScript Card) Macintosh platformWindows platform
No plot comes out of the plotter if the graphic language on the plotter control panel is set to "Auto" to be able to use it as a large format PostScript printer and an HPGL2 plotter. Till now we were able to do just some short test on that device. We are in contact with Hewlett Packard in order to fix the problem at the earliest.
There are two workarounds at the moment. Either to print onto it or temporarily switch the graphic language to HPGL2 when plotting is required.
We will share any new information as it turns out.

39. Thoughts about GSReport Windows platform

GSReport files have been a tremendous help to our developers when searching for the cause of a problem. We have summarized below some important points about our experiences.

It is extremely useful when the problem description field is filled in. In version 1.2, which will be shipped with R2/v2, an alert comes up if this field remains empty. Please communicate to your users that this is a key issue.

We have received GSReport files where the Exception Info is in the Description tab. In these cases, either the GSReport.exe is not in the GSReport folder, which is located in the ArchiCAD folder, or it is coming from a Macintosh user. Due to technical reasons, the GSReport program can not be started automatically on Macintosh computers and the RPT file can not be generated either.

Sometimes we get a series of report files and in the worst case they all are called GSReport.rep, sometimes they are numbered. It is a good solution if you name it after your company. A more descriptive name is also highly appreciated (like 3D_Window_Crash.rep).

We'd also like to stress that we don't want our users to send these report files directly to us for two reasons:
- We don't want them to skip you (the distributor or dealer knows the client best)
- We don't want to be flooded with letters from users.

If they know our direct e-mail address they will inevitably start writing to us in other cases as well, not only when sending a bug report. To ensure that these files are not sent directly to Graphisoft, the user is given only two choices after filling out the report:

1. Save it to a file and send it to the local ArchiCAD representative (you) either by e-mail or on a floppy disk.

2. Print it and send it to the local ArchiCAD representative (you). This method, however, is NOT preferred, since it generates a huge amount of paper and it is very inconvenient for the programmers to work with. We are presently working on a third possibility of sending it through the Internet, but we will still want these messages to be filtered through you.

40. Introducing an automatic reply system at GSHQ TechSup effective from April 17, 2000 Macintosh platformWindows platform

If a problem arises, please send it to Technical Support using the following e-mail address:

You will receive the following automatic reply: "We received your email at Graphisoft Technical Support. This email is an automatic response and does not require a reply. Please include the following line in all future correspondence concerning this issue:

Follow-up: 011143
Thank You,
The Graphisoft Technical Support Team


Original Message Follows:

Following this, R&D's Technical Support will respond to the sender by e-mail within two days, saying either

  1. A bug is confirmed. In which case the sender will get a reference number (TestTrack No.) and a confirmation;
  2. The bug is not confirmed. In this case, TechSup will specify any extra information that is needed from the sender;
  3. Development needs more time to investigate this problem. TechSup asks for patience, and promises to keep the sender informed.

When/If you reply to TechSup's email, please send it to the person you received it from, e.g., by using the Reply button in your e-mail software. Otherwise, we cannot keep track of the issue in our new database. In the rare case that there is NO answer to your bug report within three days, please let us know:

Bence Kovacs:
Antal Krepler:
Miklos Szovenyi-Lux:

and cc. to:
Nadine Béchara <> (PMD Assistant)

Please make sure that you send your report to; otherwise, we can not take responsibility for any discrepancies from the above process. Also, it is very important that you only include one problem per email.

41. Saving DXF 2000 format with ArchiCAD 6.5 Macintosh platformWindows platform

Thanks to the new OpenDWG development library from the Open DWG Alliance, ArchiCAD 6.5 R2/v2 can read and write AutoCAD 2000 format DXF and DWG files as well.

In the R2/2 subrelease of ArchiCAD 6.5, there are two engines for handling the DXF I/O: the one we used until now, and the new OpenDWG version. By default, the old method is active. The new engine can only be switched on by a special new line in the Config text file: #NEWDXF

This is a simple line that can be placed anywhere in the configuration file. As a default, this line will be part of future configuration files (after R3/v3), but it will be commented so it will be not in effect. Placing/uncommenting this line in the configuration file will make it effective the next time the configuration file is used for conversion. (You can switch it off by commenting the line by placing an exclamation mark before the #.)

This also means that when you open/save a DXF/DWG file without a configuration file, the default (non-OpenDWG) method of conversion will always be used.

We recommend that you use the new engine only when saving DXF in AutoCAD 2000 is needed, because:
- Opening AutoCAD 2000 format DXF files is possible with the old engine; although, proxies and images will be missing.
- The I/O process is longer because of the new engine, even if you use the R14 or R13 formats.

On the Mac PlotMaker, it is not possible to write AutoCAD 2000 format. Due to an error in the OpenDWG code library, it is currently not possible to save as AutoCAD 2000 DXF or DWG. We hope that the developers of OpenDWG will fix this soon, so we will be able to incorporate this feature into the program.

DXF files not saved with OpenDWG are not read in AutoCAD 2000. It is an unfortunate fact that AutoCAD 2000 simply doesn't read any DXF files that were not created with the OpenDWG method in ArchiCAD. So if you want to give a DXF file to a consultant that is using AutoCAD 2000, please be sure to use a configuration file for the save operation and uncomment the #NEWDXF option in it. If you use an older configuration file that doesn't include this option, simply insert this line into it.

If the DXF file is saved with the OpenDWG method, AutoCAD 2000 will read it without any problem from version R12 up to version R15 (AutoCAD 2000's version number).

Note: For DWG conversion, the OpenDWG source was already built into ArchiCAD 6.0 already, which caused some slowdown. Further slowdown is not expected with ArchiCAD 6.5 R2/v2.

42. Communication with AutoCAD 2000 Macintosh platformWindows platform

Some clarification is needed following our earlier notes. In DWG format we can communicate with AutoCAD 2000 without the need to use the configuration files. You only need to select the AutoCAD 2000 format in the save dialog when saving. At opening, ArchiCAD will automatically recognize AutoCAD 2000 format files and handle them accordingly. (The only exception is PlotMaker on the Mac platform. It is not possible to write AutoCAD 2000 format" in DXF or in DWG format.)

You can write DXF files for AutoCAD 2000 from ArchiCAD either by choosing the R12 format, or by pasting the #NEWDXF line into the configuration file to be used and then selecting the proper configuration file in the Save and Open dialogs. All other formats created by our default Add-On are rejected by AutoCAD 2000.

Opening AutoCAD 2000 DXF files works without the use of the #NEWDXF option. However, bitmaps and proxy graphics (placeholders representing proprietary ARX data if present) will be omitted; only standard DXF data is read in. Opening and saving DXF data with the #NEWDXF option enabled will result in slower reading and saving performance and will require substantially more memory, but on the other hand:

  • AutoCAD 2000 will read all versions of DXF (R12-R15)
  • bitmaps and proxy graphics will come through into ArchiCAD when this conversion method is used.

43. Appendix to the DWG-DXF Conversion Guide Macintosh platformWindows platform
In addition to the details included in the last two FF (#125 and #126), an appendix to the ArchiCAD 6.5 DWG-DXF Conversion Guide is available on the GSPartner/Techsup and the site Support/Documentation -- in html format on the GSPartner site and as a downloadable pdf at site:

44. Rotated fills bug in DXF/DWG output Macintosh platformWindows platform
All the rotated fills in a project lose their rotating angle when saved as DXF or DWG in R14 or AutoCAD 2000 (R15) format. The problem appears in ArchiCAD 6.0 and ArchiCAD 6.5 (any subrelease). Workaround: Save DXF or DWG in R13 or R12 format.

45. Change of Color Tones in AutoCAD Macintosh platformWindows platform
There is a known phenomenon involving color conversion when an ArchiCAD Project file is saved as DXF/DWG that requires further explanation. The phenomenon appears mainly at zone fills and fills coming from 3D shading. When saving as DXF/DWG from ArchiCAD, in the dialog you have the opportunity to make ArchiCAD match pen colors to the AutoCAD color table by checking the appropriate check box. In such a case ArchiCAD finds the closest AutoCAD color for each ArchiCAD color and changes the pen of elements accordingly. Nevertheless, it can happen that the colors that you see in the resulting DXF/DWG do not resemble the original colors of the ArchiCAD file. The reason for this is the following: AutoCAD has a fixed set of 256 colors. These cannot be changed or redefined like they can be in ArchiCAD. For example, color 1 is the color red (RGB values: R=255, G=0, B=0). When ArchiCAD tries to find for each pen color the closest matching AutoCAD color, it is not always possible to find a good match because AutoCAD's colors are rather dark and saturated. By comparison, there are many ArchiCAD colors that are light and unsaturated. So at times, is not possible to find the closest match and still retain the hue of the color. For example, a color that was light purple in ArchiCAD will become light gray in AutoCAD because this is the closest matching AutoCAD color. In ArchiCAD 6.5 there is a workaround that makes it possible for color matching to work properly: in ArchiCAD 6.5 R1/v1 using the Tools\Tools External Commands\AutoCAD commands\Synchronize pens command will replace the ArchiCAD default pen colors with the values defined in the AutoCAD Color Table, so when saving as DXF/DWG color consistency is assured. This command was renamed in ArchiCAD 6.5 R2/v2, so you need to choose Tools\Tools External Commands\AutoCAD commands\Use AutoCAD Color Table. If you work with this option for the sake of color consistency with consultants, you should stick to it for the duration of the Project.

46. TechSupport mode of GSReport since ArchiCAD 6.5 R2/v2 Macintosh platformWindows platform

A new version of the GSReport application (version 1.2.13) is shipped with the ArchiCAD 6.5 R4/V4 subrelease. Unlike with the versions before (1.2.10), it is not possible to open a GSReport file by simply starting GSReport.exe (The application will begin checking your computer every time for creating a new .rep file.) To open these files, you must go through a few extra steps.

On the Windows platform

To open a file by dragging it over the GSReport.exe icon, first do the following (as before):

  1. Choose the Run command from the Start menu, type Regedit.exe and click OK.
  2. Find the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Graphisoft\GSReport" key.
    Note that if you have several GSReports of different versions on your computer, they all have an own folder for their keys. These keys apply only to the dialog box's position and size. The techsup mode key is stored only once in the folder mentioned above.
  3. Double-click on "techsup" in the right-hand side of the window.
  4. When the dialog window appears, make sure the "value data" is set to "1".
  5. You can then open the report files by dragging them on top of the GSReport.exe icon.

To open the existing GSreport file by double clicking on the .rep file, you must first follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Run command from the Start menu, type Regedit.exe and click OK.
  2. Find the "My computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.rep" folder.
  3. Delete this folder (named "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.rep").
  4. Start Windows Explorer (Start menu Programs).
  5. Go to "ViewMenu/Options/FileTypes".
  6. Click on "new type".
  7. In the appearing window, type ".rep" as an extension into the "associated extension" field.
  8. Click on "new".
  9. In the appearing window, type "open" in the "action" field.
  10. Click on browse and find the program "GSReport.exe".
  11. Confirm the dialogs by clicking on "close".
  12. The icon of the .rep files should change.
  13. You will then be able to open the *.rep files by double clicking on them.

On the Macintosh platform

To open the file by either method, please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that the TYPE of the report file is "REP " and the CREATOR of the report file is "GSBR" using ResEdit or DropInfo.
  2. Go to the Preferences folder in your System folder and open the "GSReport Prefs" file in a text editor program.
  3. Type "1" in the line "techsup" and save the file.
  4. You can then open the report file either by double clicking on it or by dragging the file on top of the GSReport application icon.

47. USB Network License dongles Macintosh platformWindows platform

As we informed you in FF #117, Graphisoft stopped shipping USB dongles for Network License sites because the keyplug reliability did not meet Graphisoft Quality Assurance standards.

Rainbow Technologies has since developed a new series of the dongle that solves the reliability problem. Our long-term usage tests verified this, so Graphisoft will resume the shipping of the USB dongles for Network License sites beginning with the first the pending orders.

Soon the Network Licensing Software will be shipped on CD for USB dongles, as the Macintosh computers used as a Network USB dongle server do not have a floppy drive.

We recommend the USB Network License option as a safe, affordable and convenient ArchiCAD solution for middle-sized and large architectural offices.

48. ArchiCAD on slow/remote networks Macintosh platformWindows platform
Our tests proved that ArchiCAD 6.5 network protection works fine even on slow networks. We tested using networks with response times from 128 ms up to 2000 ms (which is extremely slow!!!) and everything went well. This means that clients using a hired line for network communication can run ArchiCAD in wide area network.

49. Xerox Plotter Driver for the new laser plotter models Macintosh platformWindows platform

A new driver for Xerox plotter models 8825 and 8830 is available on the page:

Previously, you could only plot to these plotters by using an HP DesignJet driver or the generic HPGL/2 driver. The driver is cross-platform, it works for both PCs and Macs. (The downloaded file is in .HQX format. You can extract it with WinZip 6.3 (Windows) or StuffIt Expander (Mac and Windows).) Put the extracted file "Xerox.GPD" in your PlotWare folder. If you want to use the driver immediately, you will have to restart ArchiCAD or PlotMaker if it is already running.

50. Printer driver incompatibility on MacOS 8.1 Macintosh platformWindows platform
A user has experienced problems with the EPSON printer driver for models SC1520 and SC3000 on the MacOS 8.1. If using the new 5.x.x driver instead of the 3.x.x, ArchiCAD crashes in file dialogs even if the Navigation.Lib is correctly installed. We are in contact with Epson to fix the problem in a later driver version. Please use the 3.x.x drivers until then.

51. Keep ArchiCAD Project files in separate folders Macintosh platformWindows platform

Recently we have got several reports about "can't save" error messages and occasional disappearance of .PLP files. Two cases have been already published on the ArchiCAD-Talk. We managed to find out that the problem is caused by multiple people saving to the same folder and various Team Projects being in the same folder. It means that if you save .PLA, .PLN, .PLP, or .PLC files into the same folder at the same time one of the saved files might disappear in extremely rare cases. The reason is the identical name of the ArchiCAD scratch file which exists only for a short time.

We made a fix for it in ArchiCAD 6.5 R3/v3, but until then the entirely safe workaround is to keep files in separate folders especially TeamWork PLPs and PLCs, where it is by nature the most frequent that several people are working on different files of the same project. Incidentally, it is more safe to store ArchiCAD project files in separate folders, because it also helps to avoid accidental overwriting of others files.

52. ArchiCAD's Save Process Macintosh platformWindows platform

As a follow-up to the TechSupport News of the last Fast Facts, technical people might find the following information concerning ArchiCAD's Save operation of ArchiCAD interesting:

  1. There is a file already with the given name, the Original file.
  2. A new file is created alongside the original file called ArchiCAD.src on (Windows), ArchiCAD.scratchon the MacOS
    (If the name is already taken by a locked file, ArchiCAD 6.5 R3/v3 will try to save ArchiCAD.scr1 or ArchiCAD.scr2 and so on. If the scratch file is not locked, it will be deleted.)
  3. Data is accumulated, compressed and written out to ArchiCAD.src
  4. The file is closed, the original file is either moved to a back-up folder, renamed to a back-up or deleted.
  5. The scratch file is renamed to the original file's name.

This sequence is desirable, because if at any point of the saving process the file is not written out correctly, the process is aborted, and the original file is retained. There are safeguards built into the process, the interaction of those plus a specific timing sequence is responsible for a possible mix-up that may potentially delete the original file and not create a replacement. If, however, two people save to the same folder at the same time in versions up to ArchiCAD 6.5 R2/v2, either the scratch file can't be written out properly or, if they are timed in a certain way, the process can be fooled. That is why we suggested in the last issue to keep project files in separate folders.

53. Converting shader libraries with Art.lantis 3.5 on Windows NT and 2000 Windows platform
When converting old shader libraries (CDs 1-4) on Windows NT and 2000 for Art.lantis 3.5, a problem occurs if your shaders folder is kept on a hard disk volume whose free space is between 2 and 8 GB. The following message will appear: "You don't have enough space to convert these shaders. You need xxxx.x MB free".
Put your shaders folder on a hard disk partition smaller than 2 GB or larger than 8 GB. Or temporarily fill up the space, leaving a few bytes smaller than 2 GB of free space.

54. How to Apply textures in ArchiCAD to Wavefront files Macintosh platformWindows platform
When importing Wavefront files into ArchiCAD using the Open command from the File menu, our Add-On does not apply textures automatically. When you open the Wavefront file as an object, new materials created under the name of the Wavefront file (like File_Name 1, File_Name 2 etc.) will appear in the ArchiCAD material list. For these, you can define textures one by one. (Note: The folder where the textures are located must be loaded using the Load Libraries command from the File menu.)

55. How does associative dimensioning work at Undo in ArchiCAD? Macintosh platformWindows platform

Let's recommend you to do the following steps:

  • select one or more elements for any modification (like drag, stretch or change by a Settings window)
  • do the change
  • activate the Undo command of the Edit menu (you realise that you did something wrong)

After the Undo dimensioning chains associated with the previously selected elements become selected as well.

If someone does not realise that the dimensioning chains became automatically selected (or does not see all of them), hitting the <Delete> or <Backspace> key or activating the Clear command of the Edit menu can lead to unwanted loss of dimensioning chains.

56. TeamWork Copy from Negative Story Bug Macintosh platformWindows platform

A nasty TeamWork related bug was discovered in ArchiCAD 6.5 R3/V3. If the user is working in a .PLP or .PLC file and copying any element from a story below the zero (either by selecting one or more element there or using the multi-story marquee) ArchiCAD crashes. The bug might appear on both Macintosh and Windows platforms.

To fix the bug, patches were created for versions already on the market. There is a separate patch for Japan and one for updating full copies in the rest of the world. Separate patches will also be made available for the EDU and the UNIV version.

After updating the Macintosh version, "© Graphisoft 1984-2000 (Subvers: 58)" will appear in the Information window below the program name. On Windows, you will see "6.5 R3 (2758)" in the Properties/Version.

The patch for theUS version is available on the GSUS Website

57. HP DesignJet 500 and 800 network plotting on the Macintosh Macintosh platform

There is a problem with the new HP Designjet 500 and 800 plotter models: their internal '61N Jetdirect card' seems to be incompatible with AppleTalk. The plotfile can be partially or entirely sent but nothing comes out from the plotter.

There are two workarounds:

The plotters will plot via an external jet direct box using the Graphisoft HPGL2 driver (choose any model, e.g., HP Designjet 650C or 750C and use the Custom paper size until specific drivers with appropriate margin presets are released). The 500PS/800PS models include a Postscript card and a Postscript driver for the Mac, so at least you can print, even if plotting via Appletalk is not possible.

On Windows you can use the same plotters with TCP/IP or NetBEUI protocols without problems using the Graphisoft HPGL2 driver (choose any model, e.g. HP Designjet 650C or 750C and use the Custom paper size until specific drivers with appropriate margin presets are released). Check in the Downloads area for new plotter drivers!

58. Changing the settings of only one element in a group Macintosh platformWindows platform
It is possible to change the settings of only one element in a group, even if the "Suspend Groups" option (Tools menu) is switched off. Go to the settings dialog of the element you intend to change (make sure nothing is selected), change the parameters and settings you want to change, and close the dialog box by clicking the OK button. Then click on the element you want to change while holding the Ctrl+Alt (Windows) or Opt+Cmd (Macintosh) keys. The changes will affect ONLY the selected element.

59. Layer Settings and DWG/DXF export from PlotMaker Macintosh platformWindows platform
Please be careful when saving layouts as DXF/DWG drawings:
the I/O engine discards changes made in the drawings' layer settings in PlotMaker.

Let's take an example:

A project file in ArchiCAD has three layers: A, B, C. Let's suppose the visibility of layers A and B is hidden. Save as a pmk file. In PlotMaker, place the pmk on a layout, and select it. Now go to the layer settings dialog and set the visibility of all layers to visible. These changes can be seen in the drawing after a rebuild. Now save the layout as a DXF or DWG file. If you open this file in AutoCAD, the contents of the layers A and B will be lost (both in Paperspace and in Modelsapce), although the layers will be there. The DXF/DWG I/O engine discards changes made to the layer settings in PlotMaker. Workaround: To avoid annoying and redundant work, please, if you want to export your layouts into DXF or DWG, always set the layer combinations in ArchiCAD, and do not change them later in PlotMaker.

60. How can I tell if a library object includes a macro? Macintosh platformWindows platform
Place the object alone in a folder and set the folder as the only loaded library. Rebuild, then convert it to 3D. You will most likely be able to tell if a macro is missing at this point, except in the case when the default parameters skip a macro call. After doing the test above, do a Save Special as Archive . ArchiCAD will look for the missing macro. Open the 2D Script, 3D Script, and Properties Script to search for the keyword CALL. Recent objects usually use the CALL keyword.

61. How do I create a mirror image of my PlotMaker layout? Macintosh platformWindows platform
  1. Set up your layout in PlotMaker.
  2. Go to File/Plot Setup and choose an HPGL/2 based plotter such as the HP 350C. If you have a raster plotter then your current driver is probably ok.
  3. Go to File/Plot and click the radio button for the Destination to be File.
  4. Click on the Save button in the Save As dialog that comes up name the file and note which folder you are saving it into.
  5. Open a new Layout.
  6. Go to File/Add Drawing and in the File Open dialog that comes up choose File of type (or file format) as HPGL (or plotter file). Find and open the file you saved in step 4 above.
  7. With this drawing placed on the layout, select it if it is not already selected. Go to the File menu and go down to Open "blank" (where blank is the name of your drawing).
  8. The drawing will open into its own window. Do an Edit/Select All, then do an Edit/Mirror to mirror the whole drawing.
  9. Go to File/Save to save the new mirrored copy of the drawing and then go back to the layout where the drawing should now be changed.

62. ArchiCAD Project files have lost information from the Section/Elevations Macintosh platformWindows platform
The reason for the information loss is that only very little free space was available on the volume to which the ArchiCAD Temporary Folder was directed. This error message appears in this case only. Try to make more free space or redirect the ArchiCAD Temporary Folder.

63. I always get the following message whenever I start ArchiCAD: "A CODE resource has been modified"... Macintosh platformWindows platform
There is a virus on your computer. Please update your virus definition files and scan for viruses.

64. I started PlotFlow but it didn't appear on the screen (only in the Taskbar) Windows platform
If upon starting PlotFlow the PlotFlow window can't be seen on the display (but it is shown in the Taskbar), after exiting PlotFlow (you can do this i.e. from the Task Manager), find&delete the PlotFlow.ini file (it is most probably located in the c:\winnt folder). Relaunch PlotFlow and this time it will appear on the screen.

65. I installed QuickTime 5 Public Preview 3 but ArchiCAD crashes if I want to create a QT VR movie Macintosh platformWindows platform

Make sure you have QuickTime installed with the "recommended" option chosen at installation and not with the minimal option selected. Uninstall QT then reinstall it with the recommended option selected.

Another way to tackle this is to make use of ArchiCAD's offer at startup (this comes once a day) to install QuickTime's Authoring Tools. Choose 'Do It Now' (as seen on the screenshot below) to download and install the required components.